Institute of Physics and Applied Mathematics (PAM)

Institute of Physics and Applied Mathematics (PAM)

Director: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Nikolai Ivanovich Borgardt
Phone: +7 (499) 720-85-58

Vadim Borisovich Gundyrev, Cand. Sc. Education, Associate Professor - Deputy Director for Education.
Sergey Grigoryevich Kalney, Candidate of Engineering Science, Associate Professor - Deputy Director for Education.

The Institute was established on March 1, 2021 on the basis of the Chair of Higher Mathematics №2 and the Chair of General Physics, and included the research laboratories of superconducting microelectronics and electron microscopy, as well as the Research Equipment Sharing Center "Diagnostics and modification of microstructures and nanoobjects”.

The mission of the Institute is to develop a professional environment for generating new knowledge in the fields of condensed matter physics, physics of micro- and nanostructures, methods for their research and mathematical modeling, development of new elements of electronic devices, as well as to ensure the innovative implementation of training programs for highly qualified specialists in areas of study and teaching fundamental mathematical and physical disciplines at a level corresponding to modern requirements.

The Institute has 83 employees: